
of Professor Neumann

Complete list of Papers in Peer Review Journals
(528 KB)

Books and Book Chapters
(180 KB)

Comment to Harrison´s Principles of Internal Medicine
(97,8 KB)

List of the publications in the New England Journal of Medicine
(75,6 KB)

Lancet Group Publications
(12,9 KB)

Most important Publications
(12,9 KB)

Publications in JAMA
(12,9 KB)

Complete list of Lectures and Oral Presentations
(12,9 KB)

Public and academic honours

Cross-of-Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany:

[GERMAN] Bundesverdienstkreuz Pressemitteilung
(116 KB)

[ENGLISH] Bundesverdienstkreuz – VHL Alliance Report
(100 KB)

Doctor honoris causa ceremony of the Semmelweis University in Budapest:

[GERMAN] Semmelweis Ehrendoktor – Portrait im “amPuls”
(168 KB)

Doctor honoris causa ceremony of the University of Lorraine in Nancy/France:

[GERMAN] Nancy Ehrendoktor – Pressemitteilung
(12,9 KB)

[FRENCH] Doctor honoris causa
(12,9 KB)

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